Where is 4.5 on a ruler

You find that your ruler comes to the second line after the 6-inch mark. The ruler comes to the seventh line past 3 inches. Knowing how to read a ruler in cm is also helpful for people who'd prefer to not work with fractions which you must do with inches and who'd like to work with other units instead in this case, millimeters.

The standard metric ruler is 30 cm long. Each centimeter is labeled with a number to show the measurement it's referring to. You might see inches on the other side of your metric ruler. In this case, refer to the instructions above to learn how to read a ruler in inches. Also, be aware that 30 cm does not directly equal 12 inches, even though they are often put on the same ruler! There will always be 10 lines from one centimeter to the next centimeter. In total, there are three different lengths of lines on a metric ruler.

The longest line represents the biggest unit on the ruler: 1 cm. Each centimeter is labeled on the ruler Example: You take out a ruler to measure the width of your fingernail. The ruler stops at 1 cm, meaning that your nail is precisely 1 cm wide. Example: Say you're measuring the width of your smartphone, and it comes up to the fifth line after 4 cm on your ruler. This would mean that the phone is 4.

The smallest unit a metric ruler can measure is 1 mm, or 0. The strand comes to the ninth line after 16 cm on the ruler. Highly precise measurements thanks to laser marking technology. Created specifically to be distortion free and manufactured with laser marking for complete accuracy. Please select your product type Per Metre Length. Fat Quarter. Qty SKU : P Add to Cart. A metric ruler is use to measure centimeter cm and millimeter mm , the centimeter is a unit of length in the International System of Units; An English ruler provides incremental measurements in inches, with each inch further divided into smaller fractions.

Read an English ruler using fractions of an inch. The distance between any two large numbered lines is 1 inch. Observe the much simpler metric rulers. The distance between any two large numbered lines is 1 cm, a metric ruler features two types of lines. The largest mark centimeters, or cm. The smallest lines mark millimeters, or mm. A metric ruler provides incremental measurements in centimeters, with each centimeter further divided into millimeters.

Often you will find both English and metric measurements on the same ruler English along one edge and metric along the other edge. Look carefully at the English side of the ruler.

A ruler is 12 inches long, with inch lines along the edge of the ruler 1 is at the far left and 12 is at the far right, with every number in between in numerical order. The lines at the inch numbers are the longest lines along the edge of the ruler. Halfway between each inch line is a slightly shorter line indicating the half-inch point between each inch. Each half inch has lines dividing it in half to indicate each quarter-inch point between each inch.

Quarter inches have lines halfway between them to indicate eighth inches also. Examine the metric side of the ruler on the opposite edge.


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